
Monday, August 30, 2010

Nasi Goreng

450g plain cooled
4 tablespoon vegetable oil
10g coriander leaves sliced
10g spring onion sliced
salt to taste-ground paste
5 red bird's eye chillies
50g dried anchovies 
4 green chillies chopped
1 red chili chopped
4 big eggs beaten
2 onion chopped
6 cloves garlic chopped
garnish & accompaniments
fried anchovies as desired
crisp fried shallot as desired
100g dried prawns soaked for 10 minutes drained before use

Prepare ground paste using a mortar & pestle grind soaked dried prawns
& dried anchovies set aside. Grind rest of ingredients separately then mix 
with dried prawns & dried anchovies until well combined. Alternatively,
combine all ingredients in blender & process into a coarse paste.
Heat oil in wok over medium heat. add ground paste & stir fry until lightly
browned & fragrant. add eggs a quarter at a time until well combined with
paste. leave eggs to cook for a few minutes before adding rice. add rice to 
fry a few minutes until ingredients are well mixed. 
Season to taste with salt.
Toss in coriander leaves & spring onion. fry for another minute 
before removing from heat.
garnish with crisp fried shallots & sprinkle over some fried anchovies
ready to serve.

The ground paste will be more flavourful when ground using a mortar 
& pestle instead of a blender as the paste should be coarse & not too fine.
adjust the number of chillies used according to taste.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Garlic Research Bureau

Garlic has been known and used for many thousands of year. never before, though, has it been as popular as it is today. It may no longer be used to ward off vampires or liven up a love potion as in days of old but garlic remains a favourite with cook everywhere. So popular has it proved to be that households in the south of England now use more garlic than those in the north of France. and it a not just in cooking that garlic is proving to be popular. there's a new, growing awareness that taking  garlic can be a healthy habit to develop. one in 10 people in the UK are now using garlic for medicinal purposes. already recognised as beneficial in the relief of coughs and colds there is now strong evidence to show that garlic can help prevent some of the major causes of heart disease. so if you care about your health and that of your on !  Did you know? Workers building the great pyramids at gizeh went on strike when their garlic ration ran out. they were convinced it kept disease at bay and was the main source of their strength. >>

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Cut into a clove and you are entering a complex  world that scientists only now are beginning to understand each cell of the garlic bulb carries two important ingredients- one an amino acid ALLIIN and the other an enzyme ALLIINASE. Only when the garlic is crushed do these produce the familiar garlic aroma and the health giving benefits now being attributed to the clove. The world garlic crop now stands at the equivalent of a clove a day for every man. woman and child on earth but it's not necessary to chew your way through a clove a day in order to reap the benefits. there are alternatives ! garlic comes in many different varieties oil powder and capsules and whichever one you choose the garlic will still have the same beneficial effect. simply ensure that you take sufficient to last the day. many people to be sure they are getting the right amount, prefer to take one a day capsules. they are quick and easy to take and contain the recommended daily allowance. finally, if you are put off by the smell of garlic fear not! odourless garlic is socially acceptable and just as powerful as the real thing... it's just not as pungent ! In the  UK one in four people die from heart disease each year. this needn't be so. Simple steps can be taken to reduce the risk of heart attack. one that is known to be effective is to take garlic every day. that way the amount of cholesterol building up in the blood is kept in check. >>>

Monday, August 23, 2010

Garlic >> So how does it work ?

Cholesterol levels are known to be one of the main causes of heart disease. Smoking, stress and a diet too rich in saturated fat all contribute to cholesterol. garlic, if taken regularly, can slow down this build up. Since most of the British population are  thought to have higher than acceptable cholesterol levels the risk of heart disease is greatly increased. by supplementing your diet with garlic you could be saving a life your own. garlic is first thought to have been cultivated in north west china but its popularity soon spread and so did its uses! While  the Chinese were using it as a sedative the Persians decided it was just as handy helping the blood circulate. if uses have been varied so too have the nicknames given to garlic... stinking rose. poor man's treacle and food of love being just a small selection. love it or hate it, garlic certainly made its mark down through the centuries. what unites all the different people who have used garlic over the year is belief scientists are now able to prove... that garlic is good for you. >>>

What is garlic research bureau ?

As more and more reasons for taking garlic come to light the garlic research bureau is proving to be a valuable channel of information. Set up in 1989 it brings together all the latest finding- whether they come from the kitchen or the science lab- and by doing so enables more and more people to realise that taking garlic each day can have positive health benefits. garlic's heritage may well be rooted firmly in the past but it's a plant medicine with a future.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sweet and Sour pork Meat

400 Pork's
half cup sweet flour
half onion chopped
1 small cucumber
1 tomato chopped
4 slices pineapple
2 cloves garlic
1 stalk spring onion

1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
pepper to taste
1/4 tsp sesame oil 
1/4 tsp baking soda

2 tbsp ketchup
1 tbsp white vinegar
2 tbsp black vinegar 
3 tbsp fine sugar
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp Chinese wine
4 tbsp water
1tsp potato starch
Rinse Pork's chopped into 3cm chunks. add marinade & mix evenly. 
steep for about 2 hours. coat with sweet potato flour.
cut onion into cubes cut small cucumber into small pieces quarter 
tomato into small pieces cut pineapple into slices. slice garlic cut spring onion into section. heat up some oil for deep frying the Pork's 
in lukewarm oil over high heat for 10 seconds remove & drain away the oil. Separately heat up a small amount of oil saute' onion & garlic add small cucumber tomato, spring onion. toss evenly. 
add seasonings & pineapple & bring to boil. add deep fried Pork's.
toss quickly & evenly to serve.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hot Buns

110ml fresh milk 
2 tablespoons active yeast
30g fine sugar
230g bread flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon 
2 teaspoons mixed spices 
1 teaspoon salt
30g chopped orange peel
50g raisins
40g butter
1 egg yolk
1 egg

Warm fresh milk add sugar & dissolve the yeast.
Set it aside to proof for about 10 minutes
Put flour & butter in food processor & Pulse until evenly mixed.
Transfer flour, butter mixture to mixing bowl 
add egg, salt, cinnamon & mixed spices.
Gradually add the warm milk, stirring to form a soft dough.
Fold in raisins & chopped peel & knead for about 6 minutes.
Cover & leave in warm place for 2 hour- the dough should double in bulk.
Punch the dough down, & divide it into 10 equal pieces.shape into round buns.
Place on greased baking sheet with space between buns.
Cover with cloth & leave to rise in a warm place for 45 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180*C for 20 minutes.
Mix egg yolk & water for glaze, & brush over the bun.
Bake for about 15-20 minutes
Cool on wire racks, but best served when still warm.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Toasted Monkey Sandwiches

SKIPPY' Creamy Peanut Butter ---- 4 tbsp
White bread ---- 4 slices
Medium banana ( slices) ---1 pieces
You may substitute with wholemeal or raisin bread.
DIRECTIONS>>> Evenly spread skippy' creamy peanut butter on 2 slices,
Of bread then top with banana & remaining bread slices. in an oven toaster.
toast sandwiches until golden brown on each side. is ready to serve.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hawaiian Delight Burger


Lady's choice mayonnaise-3 tbsp
Minced chicken meat- 200 gms 
Canned pineapple ring-2 pcs
Black pepper- 1 teaspoon
Brown sugar-1 teaspoon
Corn flour- 2 teaspoon
Soy sauce-2 teaspoon
Bread crumb-3 tbsp
Cooking oil-1 litre
Lime juice-1 tbsp
Salt-1 teaspoon
burger bun- 1 
Egg- 1

DIRECTIONS>> Mix chicken meat with soy sauce, salt, black pepper,corn flour & egg. shape into a burger patty, roll on breadcrumbs & deep fry till golden brown. separately mix mayonnaise, lime juice & brown sugar. split burger bun, spread mayonnaise on each side & toast till crisp arrange patty on burger top with more lime, mayonnaise. add pineapple & garnish with salad leaves. serve while hot !!!!!!!!!!!

Huai Shan & Arrowroot Soup

INGREDIENTS >> -Hot water---2L
KNORR No Added MSG Chicken Cubes---3
Skinless chicken breast---2 pieces
cut into bite sized pieces & blanched in boiling water.
Fresh huai shan root---150gms remove skin & cut into sections.
Old ginger---1 slice.  Carrot cut into wedges. Arrowroot cut into thick slices--- 300gms
Chinese parsley for garnishing. DIRECTIONS :add KNORR MSG chicken cubes.
water into stockpot  bring to boil & add in chicken pieces. add huai shan, ginger slice, carrot & arrowroot into the hot chicken soup. bring to boil & simmer for 1 hour over low heat until the chicken pieces are tender & soup is done. garnish with Presley.

Chicken Bolognese

Pasta Penne ---300gms
Minced Chicken--- 250gms
RAGU OID World style traditional--- 370gms
Cooking oil---1 tbsp  Salt --- 1 teaspoon
Crushed black pepper--- 1 tbsp
Shredded mozzarella cheese-- 120 gms
Heat a large saute pan over high heat, add the cooking oil. when the oil is hot, stir-fry the minced chicken & cook until will browned, stirring occasionally about 8 minutes. 
add in Ragu old world style traditional pasta sauce.
simmer until a thick sauce consistency, about 20 minutes. season to taste with salt & pepper. cook the penne in boiling, salted water until al dente, drain the pasta & set aside, season with crushed, black pepper. add the drained pasta to the sauce along with shredded mozzarella cheese & serve.

Stir > Fry Vegetables

Knorr Hao Chi-10gms
Cooking oil-- 2 tablespoon
Cabbage cut in small pieces -100gms
Small carrot sliced - 1 piece
Baby corn  cut into bite size pieces -4pcs 
French bean  cut into 3cm pieces -3pcs

Medium heat up the wok add 2 tbsp oil
Put in the rest of the ingredients & stir-fry for 3-5 minutes
until the vegetables are cooked. dish is ready to serve.